Hey stranger, welcome to UpdatesKe254, where you get the latest latest news updates about celebrity gossip, movies and lifestyle. On today's article am going to share with about the Top 5 richest people in the world. There people are the billionaires, some trillionaires, and i bet they are living the dream. Before we start make sure to leave your email so that i can you never miss an update when we upload new stuff. Enough talk, lets begin;
Heard of the saying "Starting from humble begins"? Well this guy is the perfect example. Want to know why? He is the founder of Amazon, yes you heard it right, the famous e-commerce Amazon. The best part is, when he started out, Jeff actually founded and ran Amazon in his garage.
If you did not know, Amazon is an online store where you can get anything, buy it and the product will be shipped to you in any part of the world. Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in 1994 and he is the CEO, having an 11% share in the company.
In this COVID - 19 period, Bezos employed more than 200,000 individual to his company. As of 2019 Amazon had over $280 billion in sales revenue making $11 billion worth of profits.
In terms of his personal life, Jeff Bezos lives in Seattle, Washington. He studied at the Princeton University where he did a Bachelor in Arts/Science. he is divorced. His ex wife, MacKenzie owns a quatre of the shares of his company. They have four children, three sons, and one daughter who they adopted from China. I personally think he has a good heart, do you think so? Let me know in the comments section below.
Bernard Arnault & family
Having about 46 Hotels, river cruise and trains, to owning an empire of about 70 brands(Including Louis Vuitton), Arnault and Family are the worlds number one taste makers.
There estimated to be about $148.5 Billion as of today, making him second overall richest person in the world.
He is a french man, 71 years of age and living in Paris, France. He got his Bachelor's of Art/science at Ecole Polytechnique de Paris. He is married to Helene Mercier, having five children.
Ever had of Tesla? Yes the electric car. What about SpaceX? Well this is the guy who started it all. Elon Musk is Real time worth is estimated to be worth $139.3 billion, making him the third richest person in today's Top 5 Richest people in the world.
SpaceX, which is Elon's rocket company, is estimated to be worth 46 billion dollars.
Elon Musk grew up in South Africa before immigrating to Canada when he was 17 years old.
He got his Barchelos in Art/science at the University of Pennsylvania where he had transferred to as a student..
Right now he is 49 years of age, in a relationship and having 7 children. He currently lives in Austin, Texas in the United States of America.
I personally like Bill Gates and here are the three reasons why;
- First of all, he is left handed, like me :-). I had to it out there haha.
- Second of all, being very interested in computers, he is an icon, do you know why? Because he is the creator of Microsoft.
- Third, he is a very humble guy. Meet him and you won't even know he is among the Top 5 richest people in the world. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he helped by donating about $300 million dollar to help in treatment, testing and research on finding a vaccine.
He has a foundation called Gates Foundation in which he funds from his Microsoft Stock. Just a by the way, he only owns about over 1% of Microsoft Stock.
He has a foundation with his wife Melinda called Gates and Melinda foundation, which is the largest private charitable organisation in the whole wide world.
Bill Gates is now 65 years of age, married and having three children; Rory John Gates, Jennifer Katharine Gates and Phoebe Adele Gates.
Facebook is the worlds biggest social networking in the world, with hundreds of billions of people using it. Today, if you check any person's phone, you have a 90% chance of finding a facebook apk on their phone. It has helped bring people from different countries, races and religion together. All this has been made possible through the work of Mark Zuckerberg.
He recently made Facebook public, but still owns 15% of shares in the share of the company.
As of today, Mark Zuckerberg is estimated to be worth $101.2 billion according to Forbes riches people in real time. This is why he is Ranked number five in today's Top 5 richest people in the world.
In terms of his personal profile Mark Zuckerberg is 36 years of age, Palo Alto, California in the United States of America. He is married to his beautiful wife Priscilla Chan, with who they have been blessed to have two children; Maxima Chan Zuckerberg and August Chan Zuckerberg.
Funny conclusion, he dropped out of Harvard.
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Among the five Individuals, who do you think might overtake the other to become the the richest man in the world? Why do you think so?
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